منى الجويني، لطيفة بن عرفة رابعي، أنيس بن عيسى، علي الميلي – جامعة تونس، تونس معهد نيوجرزاي للتقنية، الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
الحوسبة السحابية نموذج ناشئ للحوسبة، يحل محل الحوسبة كسلعة (أو بضاعة) شخصية عن طريق اعتبارهامنفعة عامة، وبهذه الصفة فإنها توفر كافة مزايا نظام المرافق العامة من حيث الاقتصاد، الملائمة، والمرونة، لكنها في نفس الوقت تثير تحديات كبرى، لعل أهمها : فقدان السيطرة وفقدان الأمن. نقدم في هذه الورقة مقياسا لأمن المعلومات يرتكز بالأساس على المستخدم، ونبين كيفية استخدام هذا المقياس لتحليل الحوسبة السحابية كنموذج أعمال.
الكلمات الجوهرية:الحوسبة السحابية، الأمن، معدل تكلفة الفشل، المتطلبات الأمنية، التهديدات الأمنية
A CyberSecurity Model in Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing is an emerging paradigm of computing that replaces computing as a personal commodity by computing as a public utility rather than a privately run small scale computing facility. In the same way that we use electricity as a public utility (rather than build our own generators), and that we use water as a public utility (rather than dig our own well), and that we use phone service as a public utility (rather than build and operate our own cell tower), we may want to use computing services as a public utility. Such a service would be available to individuals and organizations, large and small, and would operate on the same pattern as other public utilities. Furthermore, it offers all the advantages of a public utility system, in terms of economy of scale, flexibility, convenience but it raises major issues, not least of which are: loss of control and loss of security. In fact, by trusting its critical data to a service provider, a user (whether it be an individual or an organization) takes risks with the availability, confidentiality and integrity of this data: availability may be affected if the subscriber’s data is unavailable when needed, due for example to a denial of service attack or merely to a loss; confidentiality may be affected if subscriber data is inadvertently or maliciously accessed by an unauthorized user, or otherwise unduly exposed. In this paper, we explore a user-centered measure of cyber-security, and see how this measure can be used to analyze cloud computing as a business model.
Keywords: cloud computing, cyber security, mean failure cost, security requirements, security threats